Future Projects

Please keep in mind when I list these are “future projects,” that at the present time there has been no cast, crew, or cameramen assembled. There are no sets or costumes or props or anything at this time; only some ideas and hopes that one day these films and web series will be made.






Jeff the mannequin gets sold to a company here in my city, or the next one over which is 45 minuses away, and Jodie's niece sees him in a window display. Remembering him from her childhood she gets a job at the store as a cleaner at night and brings him to life. New city, new adventures.


This will be based on “Today’s Special” which aired in both Canada and the United States on Nickelodeon.




Pinwheel House 



Aurelia’s niece, and Kim’s cousin decides to reopen Pinwheel House while her Aunt Aurelia is traveling the world. Among her guests are one of her cousins, Jake’s nephew, Sal & Smitty’s son and a variety of puppet characters. 





Video For: 

"Whatever It Takes" by Karen Wheaton