As the group grows and projects get underway Staff Members need to be available to meet at least every couple of weeks to discuss the progress of the group and future projects. Previous experience is not a requirement but it is preferred especially for the Treasurer and Fundraising Coordinator since money will be involved.
Project Manager & General Secretary – Peggy Sue Clay
The Project Manager is in charge of the entire project and has the final say for all scripts, storylines, set & costume designs and so forth. The Project Manager is also in charge of setting up the meetings and overseeing all group activates. The Project Manager will work with all Staff members in the development of this series.
By choice this Project Manager will take care of all basic paperwork including printing and photocopying of scripts and various other items needed for meetings and so forth.
Script Editor – == IN NEED OF ==
The Script Editor is a member of the production team and will help the Project Manager develop storylines that are suitable for production. Whomever is chosen for this position MUST be VERY FAMILIAR with BOTH the Original 70’s series The Tomorrow People and the first four seasons of the new Doctor Who series. If you are not VERY FAMILIAR with both series you will not be an effective Script Editor.
Fundraising Coordinator– == IN NEED OF ==
The Fundraising Coordinator will be in charge of researching simple and cost effective fundraising ideas for the group as well as soliciting for sponsors. This job is very important in that the money we raise will be use to purchase building materials for sets, fabric for costumes, any specialty makeups we may use on the actors and various other expenses. The Fundraising Coordinator will also work closely with the Project Manager in helping to oversee and promote all fundraisers and donation efforts.
Secretary – == IN NEED OF ==
The Secretary’s job at each meeting is to take notes so that key points and ideas can be tracked and shared. The notes that are taken at each meeting will be typed up and a copy will be emailed to the Project Manager. The notes taken during each meeting are important so that, if needed, we can refer back to them at a later date. Please feel free to bring an audio recorder to tape the meetings so that notes may be recorded accurately. Notes will be submitted to the Project Manager no later than three (3) days after each group meeting so that they may be shared at the nest staff meeting.
Treasurer – == IN NEED OF == Experience Preferred
The Treasurer will be in charge of tracking all donations both financial and material, operating the budget and allocating funds. Receipts are to be kept for all purchases. The Treasurer will set up a separate checking account specifically for our group so there is no mixing of group funds and personal accounts. The Project Manager, Secretary and the Treasurer MUST participate in ALL financial transactions such as deposits, withdrawals and so on. There will be a record showing an agreement from ALL THREE PARTIES ON EACH TRANSACTION to ensure the safety of funds.
Advertising Staff – == IN NEED OF ==
In the past group efforts to help promote this group have failed miserably therefore I have decided that we need a specific group to help advertise and promote this group. There will not be one person assigned, or chosen, for this job but a small group of two or three people to help with getting the work out as to who we are and what our goals are as a production team. Computer skills will come in handy for making for making posters for upcoming fundraising and meeting times and dates.
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Additional staff will be added as the group grows and the project finally gets underway.